WHEN     : Saturday, 12th June 1999
WHERE    : SPX - GLS - SPX in N1219F, a Cessna 172N
WHAT     : Holds, Approaches
WHO      : Dual instruction with Lee Simmons
HOW LONG : 1.3 flight; 1.2 hood; 0.2 ground.

  Lee wanted to fly with me to see how I was getting on. We did some holds, NDB tracking, an ILS and a VOR approach. It all went pretty much to plan (except I always have a hard time deciding where the actual hold is while trying to fly - it's easy on the ground... I think I just need a bit more practise). We also did some unusual attitudes, and an excercise where Lee tried to get me to induce my own unusual attitudes too, by having me trying to fly a 360 with my eyes shut! However, this time I didn't actually get into an unusual attitude, which surprised me. It was probably just blind luck (pun intended!) mixed with the Cessna 172 being a pretty stable hands-off flier.


  Lee said I'm doing well on instruments. All I need is about another 10-15 hours of hoodwork and I should be good for the checkride. Well, and I have to learn all those IFR-FAR's too!

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