(or, Where Did My Muzzleloader Go?)

  Once again, John and Mary Johnson put on a superb fly-in at Pinckneyville, Illinois. Unfortunately, the weather wasn't quite perfect, but it was at least VFR all the way from Houston to Pinckneyville. We managed to make it and had a lot of fun, as did everyone else who was there. I flew up with Michael Masterov and Tina Femea (we left our respective airports, Houston Gulf and Weiser Airpark, met up at Hardin Co. airport, TX, then flew formation from Hardin Co., stopping at Pine Bluff AR for lunch, then arriving in P'ville at about 5:30 pm on Friday).

  The 20th was also my birthday. Celebrated with a plastic jug of Muzzleloader. Now that stuff could knock the heart and stomach out of a concrete elephant!

  Here's some photographs from the event. John Ousterhout will probably have a bunch up soon - I'll put a link in when he's got them uploaded. Click on the thumbnails below to view the full image. The thumbnails don't do most of them any justice! Use the back arrow on your browser to return to the index after viewing a photo.

The campground on Sunday morning. Not as full as last year because the weather wasn't good for many people flying in...but the main ramp was still full by the time we got there, so the turnout overall was good! This is a pic of my C140, Michael and Tina's TriPacer and Rich Ahrens' Cardinal RG. Rich arrived late Friday night. We were all speculating on the possibility of runway venison ;-)
BOb Urban's Ercoupe. Some of the usual suspects lurk in the background - looks like Nauga, Tony Pucillo, John Ousterhout and Tom Cooper. Michael stands in front of the right wing, ironically wearing the now infamous "Slips with flaps" t-shirt in front of a plane that lacks rudder pedals or flaps!
Chuck Slusarczyk not only brought the Y2K "Muzzleloader", but also one of his ultralights. This one meets part 103 quite well, weighing 1/3rd gram without the rubber band...
...and off it flies. It was very amusing. When it got over our table, it climbed, presumably due to all the hot air we were releasing. It would occasionally crash into the hangar sides, bits of disassembled airplanes, engines and other assorted stuff, then would drop down a few inches, turn...and continue flying!
Scrappman (on the left) prepares his ultralight for supersonic flight by demonstrating its swing-wing characteristics, whilst onlookers check the potato-cannon hardpoints on the wings...
Dave Pincus (right) and Chuck Slusarcyzk (left) embark on a new ultralight homebuilding project. This one's a relatively simple wood-and-fabric job...can they beat Cringely's thirty-day target?
...and Robert X. Cringely, eat your heart out! Pastor Dave uses the assembly jig with Chuck's assistance.
Chuck makes some final rigging adjustments for the test flight. Just another 40 hours, and the FAA will be satisfied.
It turns out that Chuck's new homebuilt has "delightful phugoid oscillation without dangerous harmonic scaling". The FAA will be pleased! Dion Marshall and Tom Cooper look on, whilst Michael Masterov discusses the instrument capabilities of a paper plane without weather detection.
Saturday dawns. However, disaster strikes as John Ousterhout is run over by a golf cart driven by Badwater Bill. Chuck S. stands up, horrified by the accident. Tony Pucillo looks on, wondering if he'll get a good lawsuit out of this one.
The onlookers don't look that horrified as Badwater mashes the pedal down...
Badwater Bill's T-shirt says it all really! In the background, Tom C. approaches. Tom C: "I think it's an ambulance case". Tony P: "No, I think it's an open and shut case"
CPR fails on the patient. Tom C: "He's dead, Jim!" Tony P. begins filing the lawsuit before the body cools...
Quick! Lets bury the evidence!
But the flying continues...HighFlyer's graceful bird, the Red Lady, a Stinson Reliant, gets ready to fly. Three hundred horses of radial engine go pocketa-pocketa-pocketa-pocketa...
...and it turns out that the big 'ol Stinson has quite a turn of speed once she breaks ground.
The 1938 Monocoupe is probably the oldest aircraft that flew at the flyin... In the background is the Stearman.
The Monocoupe comes in for ummm... well, a wheel landing presumably.
This year, Tom C. didn't have to do the groundloop 100 meter dash. The Stearman kept its nose pointed down the runway as desired!
A Navion with some rather fetching nose-art arrives on Saturday afternoon.

[Go to Page 2...the Terror of Saturday Night]

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